<p>Another microscopic town. I lucked into some great lodging, a cabin with a kitchen and everything! So I took the opportunity to make some weird burritos with what I could find in the local "grocery" store--the only things for sale that <em>wasn't</em> in a can were some onions and a few green apples. There is not an abundance of fresh food out here. The only radio reception I could get was a single station with a scratchy Native Music thing that turned into a Hip-Hop Hour. Did not think I'd find a Hip-Hop hour in White Bird, ID.</p> <p>White Bird is named after a Nee Me Poo (Nez Perce) chief who won a resounding defeat at a pivotal battle against the US Government in the hills here. Riding those hills out of White Bird was incredible. I passed actual, honest-to-god cowboys on horses with hats and doggies rounding up cattle into trucks.</p>