@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+smells like updog in here
+generates an email for sendmail to notify me if all my websites are up,
+ or if one or more of them is down. "up" means http response is 200.
+./up_checker.py | sendmail user@email.com
+ Jun 15 2022; spokane valley, wa
+ jordyn
+from collections import namedtuple
+import time
+import requests
+Status = namedtuple('Status', ['website', 'status'])
+websites = [
+ "https://queerscompute.gay/",
+ "https://jordandashel.com/",
+ "https://acrossthecountryin90days.com/",
+ "https://4-letters.net/"
+def website_is_up(website):
+ return website.status == 200
+def website_status(website):
+ try:
+ response = requests.head(website)
+ status = response.status_code
+ return Status(website, status)
+ except:
+ return Status(website, None)
+statuses = [website_status(website) for website in websites]
+all_up = all([website_is_up(website) for website in statuses])
+report = ""
+for status in statuses:
+ website_name = str.split(status.website, "://")[1]
+ website_name = website_name[:-1]
+ report += f'{website_name:.<40} {"up" if website_is_up(status) else "DOWN"}\n'
+email = f"""Subject: websites are {"up" if all_up else "DOWN"}
+From: robot.dashel@gmail.com
+Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf8"
+all up? {all_up}.
+reporting at {time.strftime("%A %B %d %Y, %X %Z")}
+from squidward at bikinib: