871 B

i propose that we take on one section a week, sunday to saturday.

so if we are doing sec 1.1 from Sun Sep 20 to Sat Sep 26, read the text and ideally watch the associated video (detailed calendar coming soon) and think about and work on the questions. put your notes, questions, answers, finished and unfinished procedures in the given folder in the correct section. commit the week's work by the night between saturday and the following sunday. we can discuss the last week in the days of the next cycle. overlapping discussions are probably good.

we can work out more or less structure as seems fit.

how i envision it, i see us emailing ideas and questions and observations througout the week, leading up to the end of the week, when we can look back and see what the other person noticed, produced, how we struggled and what we think is cool etc.

more to come...